Feel the power of a simple RUOKAY. It’s R U OK Day, Every Day!
September was a month of connection, awareness, and action, dedicated to Mental Health Awareness and Suicide Prevention. It brought people together to have important conversations and take meaningful steps toward supporting each other.
A highlight of the month was Suicide Prevention Day on 10 September, which marked the 10th anniversary of Sodexo’s I Hear You mental health initiative. This program began as a response to a personal experience with suicide shared by a Sodexo employee. A decade later, it continues to provide immediate, compassionate support to employees during personal crises, while breaking down the stigma around seeking help.
To celebrate R U OK? Day and extend the message of connection, we hosted a month-long calendar of exciting and engaging events. Together, we created spaces for meaningful conversations and moments of joy, connection, and community. Some highlights include:
- 54,000 meals served from the R U OK? food truck
- 864 ‘Have a chat for a Kit-Kat’ moments
- Vibrant performances, karaoke sessions, live music, games, and sporting events
The energy and engagement from everyone made the atmosphere truly unforgettable. A big thank you to everyone who helped bring these events to life and actively supported the R U OK? movement. Your participation matters.
Let’s Keep the Conversation Going
R U OK? Day isn’t just a moment—it’s a mindset. Every single day is an opportunity to check in with those around us. If you’ve noticed a friend, family member, or colleague who seems a little off, take the first step by simply asking, “R U OK?”
Here’s how you can support someone:
- Ask: Start the conversation by checking in.
- Listen: Be present and listen without judgment.
- Encourage action: Gently suggest support if needed.
- Follow up: Check back to show you care.
👉 Watch the 4 Steps to an R U OK? Conversation for helpful tips on how to have meaningful conversations.
If you’re the one feeling overwhelmed, remember you’re not alone. Reach out to someone you trust or access professional support. Let’s support each other—because we’re in this together.
Reach Out for Support
Here are some trusted resources for yourself or your loved ones:
General Support:
- Lifeline 13 11 14
- Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
- Beyond Blue 1300 22 4636, 24 hours/7 days a week or chat online
- MindSpot 1800 61 44 34
- MensLine Australia 1300 78 99 78
For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples:
- 13YARN – Call 13 92 76 (24/7 crisis support)
- Thirrili – Call 1800 805 801 (24/7 post-crisis support)
For LGBTIQ+ Community:
- QLife – 1800 184 527 (nationwide peer support & referral service)
Remember, sometimes asking one simple question—R U OK?—can make all the difference. Let’s continue to build a workplace culture of care and connection.