Salary Packaging Options

Salary Packaging Options

Sodexo provides eligible employees with the chance to include various benefits in their salary package – a great way to potentially increase your take-home pay. Explore these benefits and make your salary work for you!

Keep in mind:

  • Salary packaging options follow Australian Tax laws and might change without any prior notice.
  • It’s always a good idea to get independent financial advice, ensuring these options suit your financial situation.

How does it work?

Opting for salary packaging allows you to designate a part of your income towards specified expenses before your income tax is determined. This means you’ll only be taxed on the remaining portion of your income, effectively reducing your tax and boosting your take-home pay.

Keen to explore specific salary packaging benefits? Email [email protected] and let us know which benefit you want more details on.

Sodexo-managed Benefits:


For employees wanting to make additional voluntary (before tax) contributions to their superannuation to
a) maximise super benefits or
b) save for their first home through the First Home Super Saver Scheme (FHSSS) or
c) pay bonus into super

Purchase of a Portable Electronic Device

Sodexo can help you salary-package your next portable electronic device, used predominantly for business purposes, such as mobile phone, tablet, portable printer, and calculator.

Please note only one device of the same functionality can be claimed in each FBT year unless it is a replacement item. 

Sodexo’s policy does not support BYOD laptops.

Benefits managed through external providers:

Novated Leasing (motor vehicles)

A novated lease is an agreement between you, your employer and one of our fleet providers. Sodexo lets you choose the car you want and bundles the finance and all the expected running costs into a single payment that’s deducted from your salary, saving you time and money.

You get a competitive price for your new car, pay less income tax, and save GST on your running costs. Our fleet providers can even help you sell your car for a tax-free profit at the end of your lease term.

Everything you’ll need to keep your car on the road – including maintenance, repairs, tyres, registration, and fuel – is bundled into one regular payment to make managing your car a breeze.

Remote Area Benefit

A Remote Area Benefit is an agreement between you, your employer and Maxxia that lets you pay for certain expenses with money from your salary (before-tax). This reduces your taxable income, meaning you pay less tax and could take home more of what you earn.

If you live and work in a location that is defined as “remote area” by the Australian Taxation Office, Sodexo can help you save money by claiming things like rent, mortgage interest, power and much more.

FIFO Airport Parking Benefit

Employees who fly out to work in a remote site, can pay for the cost of leaving their car at the airport with before-tax dollars.

Relocation benefits

If you are moving for work purposes, you can pay for relocation expenses with before-tax dollars.